‘Progressives’ Push for Restoration of UNRWA Funding Amidst Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza


A coalition of ‘progressive’ lawmakers has introduced new legislation aimed at restoring U.S. funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). Representatives Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), André Carson (D-IN), and Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) spearheaded the bill, known as the UNRWA Emergency Restoration Act of 2024, which seeks to reverse a funding freeze implemented earlier this year. The U.S. historically served as one of the agency’s largest donors, but funding was suspended following allegations of Hamas-related misconduct within the organization.

The funding freeze came after Israel accused several UNRWA employees of involvement in Hamas-led attacks on Israeli citizens in October 2023. While the accusations prompted a U.S. policy shift, subsequent investigations revealed little substantive evidence to support the claims, leading international organizations and humanitarian groups to call for the restoration of U.S. financial contributions. Nations such as Japan, the United Kingdom, and Germany resumed their funding, leaving the United States conspicuously absent from the international aid efforts.

Congresswoman Jayapal emphasized the dire humanitarian consequences of withholding funds. “Revoking funding for UNRWA will lead to more devastation and loss of life in Gaza,” she stated. Jayapal noted that the agency has been instrumental in providing vital services, including food, water, healthcare, and education, to millions of displaced Palestinians across Gaza, the West Bank, and other refugee communities in Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria. Fellow co-sponsor Rep. Carson echoed these sentiments, stressing the need to provide humanitarian relief to prevent further suffering in Gaza, where the crisis has escalated due to severe food and medical shortages.

The bill arrives at a critical juncture. Gaza is facing what many describe as a “man-made humanitarian catastrophe,” with UN reports indicating that nearly one million people are at risk of going without basic necessities such as food and clean water. The ongoing conflict, displacement, and widespread malnutrition have compounded these issues, making international aid efforts more vital than ever. UNRWA, with its 17,000-strong staff, is seen as indispensable in addressing these needs, particularly given its on-the-ground infrastructure and capacity to deliver services at scale.


Proponents of the bill argue that the U.S. must rejoin the global effort to alleviate suffering in Gaza. Jeremy Ben-Ami, president of J Street, voiced strong support for the bill, stressing that cutting off funding to UNRWA would not only deepen Gaza’s humanitarian crisis but could also destabilize the region further. “Punishing children and civilians for the alleged actions of a few employees is not only unjust but dangerous,” Ben-Ami said. He warned that the growing desperation in Gaza could lead to more violence and instability, undermining both Palestinian welfare and Israeli security.

Critics of the legislation, however, point to ongoing concerns about UNRWA’s accountability. Although the agency has taken steps to address past accusations, including firing implicated employees and increasing oversight, some remain skeptical about its ability to prevent future security breaches. Nonetheless, advocates for restoring the funding argue that the humanitarian needs far outweigh these concerns. Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA’s Commissioner-General, underscored that without U.S. funding, the agency would struggle to provide the essential services that millions of refugees depend on.

The bill’s supporters believe it is critical for the United States to reclaim its leadership role in global humanitarian efforts, particularly in a region as volatile as Gaza. With other nations already resuming contributions, the U.S. stands increasingly isolated in its refusal to provide aid. As Rep. Schakowsky put it, “UNRWA remains the backbone of the humanitarian response in Gaza, and we must ensure it continues to operate effectively.”

The UNRWA Emergency Restoration Act of 2024 has garnered support from various human rights organizations, which argue that restoring funding is a matter of moral and strategic importance. Groups like the Friends Committee on National Legislation have voiced their backing, describing the suspension of aid as “unconscionable.” As the bill moves through Congress, its sponsors are hopeful that bipartisan cooperation will help push the legislation forward, ensuring that the U.S. once again plays a central role in addressing the ongoing humanitarian disaster in Gaza.



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