Anthony Fauci’s Inner Circle Initially Thought COVID Came from a Lab


In a revelation that has reignited debates about the origins of COVID-19, it has come to light that some of Dr. Anthony Fauci's closest advisors initially believed the virus may have originated from a lab. This information emerged from emails and testimony obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request and recent congressional hearings.

In the early stages of the pandemic, several prominent scientists within Fauci's network, including those from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and EcoHealth Alliance, considered the possibility of a lab leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. This was contrary to the public narrative that primarily supported a natural zoonotic origin for the virus. Emails reveal that these scientists expressed concerns about the unusual features of the virus, which some suggested might have been engineered or accidentally released from a lab conducting gain-of-function research​.

Dr. Fauci, who served as the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), publicly downplayed the lab leak theory. During a House Oversight Committee hearing, Fauci maintained that the research funded by NIH, specifically through grants to EcoHealth Alliance, did not meet the strict federal definitions of gain-of-function research aimed at enhancing pathogens' transmissibility and virulence. However, critics argue that the work conducted did indeed involve such risky experiments​.

EcoHealth Alliance, a non-profit organization led by Peter Daszak, received millions in federal funding to study bat coronaviruses in China.

Their work included creating chimeric viruses, combining elements of different viruses to study their potential to infect humans. Despite assurances from EcoHealth that their research did not enhance the virus's ability to infect human cells significantly, subsequent investigations revealed that some of their experiments did increase viral growth and lethality in humanized mice​.

The controversy surrounding EcoHealth's research practices and their failure to promptly report findings led to a suspension of their federal funding. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) justified this action by citing EcoHealth's violations of grant conditions, lack of transparency, and failure to properly monitor and report the research conducted at the Wuhan lab​.

Fauci's testimony has been scrutinized for allegedly being evasive and misleading. He insisted that the viruses studied under the NIH-funded projects were molecularly different from SARS-CoV-2, thus could not have caused the pandemic. Nevertheless, the lack of full transparency and the discovery of unpublished virus samples at the Wuhan Institute raised questions about the true scope of the research​.

The lab leak theory, once dismissed as a conspiracy, has gained significant traction and legitimacy. Dr. Fauci's acknowledgment that it is a plausible scenario marks a shift from the earlier consensus that solely supported a natural origin. This change underscores the complexities and uncertainties that still surround the origins of COVID-19, as well as the importance of thorough and transparent scientific investigation​​.


  1. I said it from the very start of the pandemic Fauci was lying about the origin of Covid-19. I was told by medical people that Fauci was foremost in the field of infectious diseases, he may be, but he and others were responsible for the debacle of the pandemic, he was lying then and is still lying.


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