Billionaire Influence: Soros Family Hits Donation Ceiling for Biden Campaign


In a striking display of financial backing, George Soros and his son Alex have reached the legal limit of their individual contributions to President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign. This development underscores the significant role that wealthy donors continue to play in American politics, particularly within Democratic circles.

The initial contributions from the Soros family came early in the year, with both George and Alex each donating $6,600 to Biden’s re-election committee on June 30. This amount represents the maximum an individual can contribute directly to a federal campaign under election laws. These donations marked the beginning of their financial support for the 2024 presidential race.

However, the Soros’ involvement in political funding is far from a new phenomenon. Their financial influence has been felt across various Democratic campaigns and liberal causes. Reports indicate that since January 2020, approximately half a billion dollars in political contributions can be traced back to George Soros, with a substantial portion funneled through dark money groups that predominantly support Democratic-aligned initiatives.

George Soros, in particular, has been a towering figure in progressive funding networks. In June, he channeled $1.8 million to the liberal super PAC American Bridge 21st Century through his Democracy PAC. Such contributions are part of a broader strategy to bolster Democratic candidates and causes, often bypassing the more transparent channels of political donations.

The Soros family’s commitment to the Democratic Party was further exemplified by a “massive” donation made by George Soros in September. He contributed $250,000 to the Biden Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee that allows donors to support the campaign, the Democratic National Committee, state parties, and D.C.’s Democratic committee with a single large payment.

This pattern of giving is not without precedent. During the 2020 presidential race, Alex Soros donated over $720,000, while his father gave more than $500,000 to the Biden Victory Fund. Their status as top political donors has cemented their influence within the party, often leading to direct access to key political figures.

Indeed, Alex Soros has enjoyed a personal connection with the current administration, having visited the White House more than 20 times since Biden assumed office. Such access raises questions about the impact of major donors on policy and decision-making processes at the highest levels of government.

The third quarter of 2023 saw Biden’s re-election team announce a haul of over $71 million, a sum that includes donations from the campaign itself, joint fundraising committees, and DNC funds. This figure stands in contrast to the top GOP candidate, former President Donald Trump, who reported raising over $45 million for his campaign during the same period.

As the 2024 presidential race heats up, the role of big money in politics remains a contentious issue. Critics argue that the influence of wealthy individuals like the Soros family skews the democratic process, granting disproportionate power to those with deep pockets. Proponents, however, see such contributions as a necessary means of supporting candidates and causes in an increasingly competitive political landscape.

The Soros family’s maxed-out donations to the Biden campaign are a testament to their unwavering support for the Democratic Party and its agenda. As the election cycle progresses, the impact of their financial clout will undoubtedly continue to be a topic of discussion among political observers and voters alike.


  1. So did Biden support the absolute control and denial of “misinformation” during the pandemic because of economic support of Klaus Schwab ?


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