Damning Report Finds US-Funded COVID Lab Leak in China


A recent report has unveiled alarming evidence suggesting that the COVID-19 pandemic may have originated from a lab leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China, which had received funding from the United States. The report, produced by Senate Republicans, asserts that the virus likely escaped from the lab in two separate incidents, one as early as July 2019 and another in the fall of that year.

The report, spearheaded by Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), reviewed over 50,000 documents and concludes that gain-of-function research conducted at the WIV, partially funded by U.S. grants, led to the accidental release of the virus. This research involved modifying coronaviruses to better understand their potential to infect humans, a practice that has been controversial due to its potential to create more virulent strains.

In a memo justifying the suspension of EcoHealth Alliance’s funding, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) cited the nonprofit's failure to properly monitor and report on its research activities.

EcoHealth Alliance, led by Peter Daszak, has been at the center of this controversy for its work with the WIV. The HHS memo detailed multiple instances where EcoHealth did not comply with grant requirements, including failing to halt research when hybrid viruses showed increased ability to infect human cells​.

The Biden administration has declassified intelligence related to the origins of COVID-19, revealing that several researchers at the WIV fell ill with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 in late 2019. However, the intelligence report does not provide definitive proof of a lab leak, instead acknowledging that both a natural origin and a laboratory-associated incident remain plausible hypotheses. The report also highlights the WIV's collaboration with the Chinese military, raising further concerns about the lab's safety protocols​.

The U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Accountability has pushed for more transparency, requesting the declassification of documents that could shed light on the pandemic's origins. These documents suggest that the Chinese government attempted to cover up the initial outbreak, further complicating efforts to determine the true source of the virus​​.

This new evidence has intensified calls for stricter oversight and regulation of gain-of-function research. Critics argue that such research, especially when conducted without proper safety measures, poses significant risks. The revelations have also led to renewed scrutiny of U.S. funding for foreign research institutions, with some lawmakers demanding more stringent conditions and direct oversight by American scientists.

As the debate continues, the need for a comprehensive and transparent investigation into the origins of COVID-19 remains critical. The findings from these reports underscore the importance of ensuring that scientific research, particularly when it involves potentially dangerous pathogens, is conducted with the highest standards of safety and accountability.


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