Poll: 6 in 10 Say Biden’s Mental Decline a Threat to National Security


A recent poll indicates that a significant majority of Americans view President Joe Biden’s cognitive decline as a potential threat to national security. The survey, conducted by Harvard/Harris, found that 57% of voters believe Biden's mental decline is real, with 60% asserting that the media is covering up his deteriorating condition​​.

Concerns about Biden’s mental fitness have been prevalent throughout his presidency. During the G7 Summit in Italy, reports surfaced of Biden losing focus and needing to be directed back to his group by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni​. This incident, among others, has fueled public and political discourse about his ability to lead the nation effectively.

The poll also highlights demographic disparities in perceptions of Biden’s cognitive health. Nearly half of Black voters (49%) and a majority of Hispanic voters (51%) believe in Biden's mental decline, while a notable 33% of Democrats share this concern​​. These figures reflect a growing unease that transcends party lines, raising questions about the impact on Biden’s re-election prospects.

The broader implications of these concerns are significant, particularly as the nation approaches the 2024 presidential election. Former President Donald Trump, who is leading Biden in various polls, has capitalized on these issues, portraying Biden as unfit for office. In a recent Quinnipiac University poll, Trump leads Biden by four percentage points, a notable shift from earlier polls where Biden had a slight edge​.

The potential national security implications of Biden’s cognitive state have been a focal point for critics. They argue that an impaired president could undermine the country’s strategic decisions and international standing. This sentiment is echoed by voters, with many expressing that Biden’s condition poses a risk to the nation's security framework.

Further compounding these concerns are Biden’s public gaffes and moments of apparent confusion, which have been widely publicized and criticized. For instance, during a recent commemoration event in Normandy, Biden struggled to navigate basic tasks, reinforcing public doubts about his capacity to fulfill presidential duties​.

These developments have not only influenced public opinion but also political strategies. The Trump campaign has leveraged these narratives to bolster their position, framing the upcoming election as a choice between a robust leader and a declining incumbent. This framing appears to be resonating with voters, as evidenced by the poll results.

In summary, the poll revealing that 6 in 10 Americans view Biden’s mental decline as a national security threat underscores a significant challenge for the current administration. As public and political scrutiny intensifies, the debate over Biden’s fitness for office is likely to remain a pivotal issue in the lead-up to the 2024 election​.


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