Billionaire Investor George Soros Set to Dominate Airwaves


In a move that has sent shockwaves through conservative circles, billionaire investor George Soros is on the brink of becoming the largest shareholder in Audacy, a major radio company with over 220 stations across the United States. This development comes as Soros’ investment firm acquired more than $400 million of the company’s senior debt during its bankruptcy proceedings.

The potential for Soros, a well-known supporter of progressive causes and Democratic candidates, to exert influence over such a vast network of radio stations has raised concerns among conservatives about the balance of political discourse leading up to the pivotal 2024 election. Critics fear that the traditionally right-leaning medium of talk radio could see a significant shift in content, aligning more closely with Soros’ political leanings.

Audacy, which owns prominent stations like New York’s WFAN and Los Angeles’ KROQ, filed for bankruptcy in January, weighed down by approximately $1.9 billion in long-term debt. The restructuring plan, pending approval from a Houston bankruptcy court, would effectively wipe out existing shareholders, with high-ranking creditors receiving stock in the restructured entity.

Conservative commentators have been vocal on social media, questioning the future editorial direction of Audacy’s stations under Soros’ control. One right-of-center podcaster expressed skepticism about the longevity of conservative programming, suggesting that Soros might use his new platform to sway voters in the upcoming elections.

The transaction has been described by Audacy as a “significant vote of confidence” in the future of radio and audio businesses. However, this sentiment is not shared by those on the right, who view Soros as a polarizing figure due to his substantial financial contributions to liberal political campaigns, including those of progressive district attorneys.

Soros’ media investments are not limited to Audacy. His fund was also part of a group that acquired Vice Media last summer and took a minority stake in Crooked Media, a podcasting company founded by former Obama administration officials.

These moves underscore Soros’ growing presence in the media landscape, further compounding conservative apprehension.

As the court date to hear the bankruptcy case approaches, the eyes of both political parties will be fixed on the outcome.

For conservatives, the stakes are high, as the airwaves have long been a stronghold for right-leaning commentary and political mobilization. The prospect of a Soros-led Audacy network looms large, with many on the right bracing for what they perceive as an impending shift in the battleground of political messaging.